I've never been swayed by this Blogging craze till now... My very talented and highly IT-savvy baby sis (she takes after me in the talent dept..) casually asked me if I wanted a blog and I replied, "Okie..." So, while I dozed off, she worked on it for 4 hours. Well, might as well jump on the bandwagon since I can't drive. (Hmm..what a corny joke)

Not many people know the goings-on of my love life except for my best friend. (She listens but she doesn't judge and I love her to death because of that.) When I first saw my soulmate, the love of my life, my first thought was, "Oh please don't let this be him!". He was in a chequered long-sleeved shirt which I detested so, other than his maroon- coloured one. Well, the former has not seen daylight since then. The maroon shirt is a survivor though...

Our love life had gone through extreme ups and downs. Hence, I was too afraid to harbour any thoughts of settling down with him. I guess I refused to allow myself to be open to disappointment. One by one, my girlfrens settled down and started their family. I'm extremely happy for them but how I do miss our outings. What's great about most of them is that they don't question my singlehood.

When you've been single (but not available) for so long, you kinda forget about marriage. Hence, when my boyfren proposed in August this year, I was rather cool about it. Even when his sisters came to seek my hand in marriage 2 weeks later, I was still unfazed. We were engaged on 17 September 2006. What was supposed to be a private affair consisting of at most 10 people became a crowd of 30 something. When he said he would seek my hand in the proper ways of our custom, he wasn't kidding. Hence, here I am now, engaged and only now realise I have less than 4 months to get my wedding in order. SCREAM!!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

I know what you mean when you say you miss outings with your friends.

I do so sorely miss outings with MY friend as well... somehow - we just grew apart... I always wondered if I had done some wrong, and that was why she moved away..

She is married now and how I wish I was that best friend you said you loved to bits. :'(

oh well.. life goes on..

But please do continue with your story.. how you managed to put up the marriage together.. :) I would love to read more of you..

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