Loving him more than yesterday, less than tomorrow…

6 more days to my fourth ‘monthversary’… Everytime the 17th of the month arrives, I will remind my husband that we have survived another month. To which he replies with a passive ‘hmm’. And, as per normal I would reply that he is so unromantic but of course, he will explain that celebrations are supposed to be a yearly thing. He is such a Virgo! I still wonder how in the world this Pisces girl could tolerate such a serious soul. Well as they say, opposites attract!

To say that marriage has been blissful is a lie. If newlyweds say that their married life is great, I believe that you have to take it with a pinch of salt and a heapful of sugar. This is a personal opinion from one herself. I am extremely sure that tiffs, no matter how small, will always be there and they do make you wonder why you got married in the first place.

Like yesterday, I was angry with my husband for not having enough time to go out with me due to his work commitments. But, as I reflect upon it today, I felt very bad coz I was only thinking of myself. He is trying to earn enough to provide the best for me. When he awoke this morning, he was still running a fever and had a sneezing fit. And what did this wife of him do? Grumble and grumble while he cleared his phlegm and blew his nose. Did he scold me at all? Nope. He bathed, got dressed, sat down beside me and promised to spend Wednesday with me. Lo and behold, I have to go to work on Wednesday! School is evil ‘institutionified’! However, what wrung my heart, was the tenderness of the kiss he planted on my forehead despite my torrential nagging earlier on. ….and that is the reason why our tumultuous relationship lasted as long as it did. I love this man as he accepted me, tantrums and all. I love this man as despite his rough demeanour, deep down he is the kindest, most forgiving soul ever. I love this man, my husband.

So, back to the earlier topic about early married life being blissful, nope, it’s not really true. To those who say it is, you must be one truly lucky couple. However, I strongly believe rocky paths of life will lead you to smoother ones. I am sure mine is coz every time we quarrel, we end up loving each other more than yesterday but less than tomorrow….

Better Late Than Never...

As I've stated in my first entry, I'm not into this blogging phenomena. For goodness sake, I can't even maintain a planner. But anyways... it's 2nd May 2007 and I'm one and a half month into my marriage. I wasn't able to type down the frantic wedding preparations and of course, lost of weight. YIPPEE!!! Well, tonite when I actually saw my new 'skin' done by my sis from N-Way, I was suddenly inspired to post my thoughts.

I've lost 2 more kg since my wedding and this is surprising coz I have late dinners with my hubby. Trying to be a dutiful wife or in Malay 'isteri mithali'...kah kah kah. My menu so far has been canned sardines, canned squid, fried fish, satay (from WTC), roti john from Hougang and the menu repeats itself. Thank goodness, my husband is a simple eater. But I did get a taste of his 'wrath' when I tried to make a 'lempeng' for the first time in my life. Let's just say that it was a sad Sunday morning for lempeng lovers.. Hence, imagine my happiness (I think I actually glowed!) when we finally got our car and I managed to get out of making Saturday and Sunday breakfast by driving to Jalan Kayu for prata. It feels great not to wash the dishes for once. Then, we'll waste petrol by getting lost on the winding roads of this tiny island. Hmm... that's a great topic for the next post: 'How to get lost in Singapore'
I've never been swayed by this Blogging craze till now... My very talented and highly IT-savvy baby sis (she takes after me in the talent dept..) casually asked me if I wanted a blog and I replied, "Okie..." So, while I dozed off, she worked on it for 4 hours. Well, might as well jump on the bandwagon since I can't drive. (Hmm..what a corny joke)

Not many people know the goings-on of my love life except for my best friend. (She listens but she doesn't judge and I love her to death because of that.) When I first saw my soulmate, the love of my life, my first thought was, "Oh please don't let this be him!". He was in a chequered long-sleeved shirt which I detested so, other than his maroon- coloured one. Well, the former has not seen daylight since then. The maroon shirt is a survivor though...

Our love life had gone through extreme ups and downs. Hence, I was too afraid to harbour any thoughts of settling down with him. I guess I refused to allow myself to be open to disappointment. One by one, my girlfrens settled down and started their family. I'm extremely happy for them but how I do miss our outings. What's great about most of them is that they don't question my singlehood.

When you've been single (but not available) for so long, you kinda forget about marriage. Hence, when my boyfren proposed in August this year, I was rather cool about it. Even when his sisters came to seek my hand in marriage 2 weeks later, I was still unfazed. We were engaged on 17 September 2006. What was supposed to be a private affair consisting of at most 10 people became a crowd of 30 something. When he said he would seek my hand in the proper ways of our custom, he wasn't kidding. Hence, here I am now, engaged and only now realise I have less than 4 months to get my wedding in order. SCREAM!!!!